I would like to present you GREENSTOX, a Counterparty based asset, which will represent my investment fund that invests Bitcoins of course into various investments.
Basically I sell out shares and whomever would buy them, that amount will be invested into BTCJam loans, and I will give regular dividents to the shareholders from the profits.
Information about the stock:
◘Ticker on Counterparty exchange: GREENSTOX
◘Info link: https://www.blockscan.com/assetInfo/GREENSTOX
◘Website: Official Website
◘My e-mail to contact me: greenstoxasset@gmail.com
◘Asset Issuer main address: 18kXbKUPQVmy73dnNJNhttYcELVJX14gGs
◘My personal address: 1MC5wawr1sF3M5G9cFnmHbSAvCa192Ty1r (I own here 25%)
◘Is it a Ponzi Scheme: Definitely not, I will give you any proof you wish about the funds location and how it is used, be that screenshots from BTCJam account or anything else.I really want to make a stable investment asset here, and I`ve also put my fair risk into it, so I hope I could gain your trust.
Technical details:
◘Nr. of total shares: 200,000,000 (capped at 200m, I will issue more only if there is an emergency lack of supply/liquidity,although very unlikely,I`m not a QE freak, I will try to preserve an ever increasing & stable price)
◘My shares: 50,000,000 (I will permanently hold 25% not more not less, to ensure a base price stability, and I will not sell these ever, the rest will be freely traded amongst shareholders)
◘Fundraiser Goal: 1 BTC (We need to raise this much, and only after this I`ll invest the shares into BTCJam loans)
◘Divident Size: Atleast 20% of the profits divided between shares, 80% gets reinvested, in order to quickly increase the market capitalization of the share, the 20% might be more in the future to boost the demand
◘Divident Periodicity: I initially thought a weekly payout is good, however until the 1 BTC is not funded and invested, I won't pay BTC dividents, only stock dividents
◘Democracy: If you own more than 5% of the share base, then I`ll let you vote on the dividents, although the Counterparty share system is pretty totalitarian, yet I`m all for democracy so if you prove that you have atleast 5% of the shares then you will get voting rights!
◘How can you get shares?: I will give out some for free, or you can buy them on the exchange ,I already sell 1 million of them