Sweep Private Keys- Issue

I don’t know if the commands need to have the full blockchain downloaded.


The next step is:
3) Paste this command as one line in a linux shell (e.g. using right mouse button in cmd shell) and press enter

curl --user rpc:1234 -H “Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8” -H “Accept:application/json, text/javascript” --data “{“method”: “create_send”, “params”: { “source”: “1Dn9BhNTHAPVvJwRfCgJm7i8u3pbvViMoA”, “destination”: “1Mc2omnefcMBoL26ALNziqmxmbwCabJxpE”, “asset”: “FLDC”, “quantity”: 100146930000000}, “jsonrpc”: “2.0”, “id”: 1 }” http://public.coindaddy.io:4000/api/

It uses your source and target adress and asset type and quantity in satoshi

Maybe it says you have not enough BTC for transaction then you need to send the requested amount to address.

=> You get a curl result number, save that to a text file.

Try to add the prune=1000 setting to bitcoin.conf file to save disk space
Import your private key to the BitCoin Core client.

4) Open bitcoin-qt console and call signrawtransaction command with your curl result number from step 3

signrawtransaction “curl result number”

=> if no error occured, save the result raw transaction number to the text file.

  1. Again in bitcoin-qt console call sendrawtransaction command with your raw transaction number from step 4

sendrawtransaction “raw transaction number”

=> if no error occured, you are done!

  1. Just wait the usual time until the transaction shows in bitcoin wallet and counterwallet

Result from step 3:

{“code”: -32600, “data”: “Invalid JSON-RPC 2.0 request format”, “message”: “Invalid Request”}

Then there is a typo, I just removed all \
Make sure it is all one line, so maybe paste it first in a text editor before paste to cmd shell

Checked - one line. Same result…

Paste it here and I figure out what is wrong

curl --user rpc:1234 -H “Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8” -H “Accept:application/json, text/javascript” --data “{“method”: “create_send”, “params”: { “source”: “1Dn9BhNTHAPVvJwRfCgJm7i8u3pbvViMoA”, “destination”: “1Mc2omnefcMBoL26ALNziqmxmbwCabJxpE”, “asset”: “FLDC”, “quantity”: 100146930000000}, “jsonrpc”: “2.0”, “id”: 1 }” http://public.coindaddy.io:4000/api/

{“code”: -32600, “data”: “Invalid JSON-RPC 2.0 request format”, “message”: “Invalid Request”}

Try that

curl --user rpc:1234 -H “Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8” -H “Accept:application/json, text/javascript” --data “{“method”: “create_send”, “params”: { “source”: “1Dn9BhNTHAPVvJwRfCgJm7i8u3pbvViMoA”, “destination”: “1Mc2omnefcMBoL26ALNziqmxmbwCabJxpE”, “asset”: “FLDC”, “quantity”: 100146930000000}, “jsonrpc”: “2.0”, “id”: 1 }” http://public.coindaddy.io:4000/api/

Ok now the errors is:

{“id”: 1, “error”: {“code”: -32001, “message”: “Error composing send transaction via API: Insufficient BTC at address 1Dn9BhNTHAPVvJwRfCgJm7i8u3pbvViMoA. (Need approximately 0.00145363 BTC.) To spend unconfirmed coins, use the flag --unconfirmed. (Unconfirmed coins cannot be spent from multi\u2010sig addresses.)”}, “jsonrpc”: “2.0”}

Will send that amount to wallet and try again. Thanks!

I have got curl result from step 3, but signrawtransaction shows few errors:

“complete”: false,
“errors”: [
“txid”: “50aa3e8f243…469a5ea98”,
“vout”: 0,
“scriptSig”: “76a9…d988ac”,
“sequence”: 4294…95,
“error”: “Input not found or already spent”

and 2 more like this. Can this be because of not synced blockchain? I will try this on full blockchain later today.

Tried with bitcoin-qt on full blockchain - have error.

signrawtransaction 010000000398e…b22af412060c1a8d988ac00000000

“hex”: “010000000398eaa56…2060c1a8d988ac00000000”,
“complete”: false,
“errors”: [
“txid”: “50aa3e8f2…8f469a5ea98”,
“vout”: 0,
“scriptSig”: “”,
“sequence”: 42…295,
“error”: “Operation not valid with the current stack size”
“txid”: “edd98fc7e7…7610f5b18bbaac8ff3”,
“vout”: 0,
“scriptSig”: “”,
“sequence”: 4294967295,
“error”: “Operation not valid with the current stack size”
“txid”: “75f31bdc56382…05e00a9cbfd8f9”,
“vout”: 0,
“scriptSig”: “”,
“sequence”: 4294…95,
“error”: “Operation not valid with the current stack size”

Did you try with the “” ?
signrawtransaction “010000000398e…b22af412060c1a8d988ac00000000”

Did you import the private key to Bitcoin Core?

The wallet need to be unlocked.

There is also another syntax where you can add the private key to the signrawtransaction.

Maybe that works: first string “curl result from step 3”, second string “private key”.

signrawtransaction “010000000398e…c0” “1234_private_key_5678”

But I did not try this myself, I did not have these errors.

Was my mistake. Not imported privkey on another laptop, where blockchain fully downloaded. Now I have got this output:

“hex”: “010000000398eaa569f488c815da…1a8d988ac00000000”,
“complete”: true

I guess this is win?)) Now my FLDC must land on counterwallet address 1Mc2omnefcMBoL26ALNziqmxmbwCabJxpE ?

Did you already do 5) sendrawtransaction?

Was so happy and forgot about step 5))) Now done! Happy! Want to send some BTC to you for your great help. I can never acomplish this alone. Send me your BTC address please!

You’re welcome! 19dBTAZBUbCXKP8Psbc5daoFJBNsMggxD9

Sent! Have a good day!

Can any one help out?

This time I have a similar issue on counterwallet.

I try to sweep but it leaves the XCP in the online btc wallet and only moves the btc.

The loading screen freezes on the first step and nothing happens apart from me receiving a notification that I have sent a small amount of btc ( presumably the miners fee) for the transaction.

The xcp tokens remain in my online wallet.

If you have any suggestions please feel free

Sweep sometimes does not work you should try tomorrow. In the import dialog only select the XCP and deselect the BTC. If it still not work then you can use a manual raw transaction.

I have a similar problem. Purchased some XFC using a BTC address I control try to import it into counter wallet using private key starting with 5, the sweep function recognises both the BTC & XFC at that address, I select both but when I sweep it says ‘preparing outputs for transaction chaining’ then 5-10 minutes later it just says ‘error’