Not recieved XCP

Not recieved  XCP. For 4 hours have passed.  In Blockchain  26 confirmations in Blockscan only shipping. Coins not received. What's this? What to do?

What is the send address?
And the recipient address?

to address 12MQWZ6QK3ARUiPaeeZ3VppDbKJACTZyMq 

 Transaction: b3dccb155f36ff6d917fde5990370d0cadef37f5c00f0c47633f1de71fe3e46b

What is the send address?
And the recipient address?

Send to address 12MQWZ6QK3ARUiPaeeZ3VppDbKJACTZyMq 

 Transaction: b3dccb155f36ff6d917fde5990370d0cadef37f5c00f0c47633f1de71fe3e46b

Help, please!

The problem doesn’t look like the XCP were not received - It looks like they were not actually sent. The XCP balance at didn’t reduce at all. Did the sender use Counterwallet or counterpartyd to send?

The most common reason is they were never sent in the first place.