I use storj.and first was transferred.
but there is no transfer after the second time.
last message is “Token locked”
1, Why was it locked?
2, What will happen to the transfer after being locked?
3, How to unlock
my address15x5KAKtm8XikPzeHtSR5P7uFaZckxD1Sd
8/15/15 12:22:47am Token transferred from address 15Rs7YLUP4NdZF37a4GEsiCxEwnAKHWeUd to address 17VLRV4y7g15KNhCepYvgigHHvREzbEmRn
8/23/14 5:25:51am Token locked
8/23/14 4:39:01am An additional 396,383,970 units issued. Total issuance increased to 500,000,001.02 units
7/27/14 5:22:25am An additional 1,296,975.799999997 units issued. Total issuance increased to 103,616,031.02 units
7/27/14 1:06:02am An additional 318,955.2199999988 units issued. Total issuance increased to 102,319,055.22 units
7/18/14 10:12:24am An additional 1,000,000 units issued. Total issuance increased to 102,000,100 units
7/18/14 9:35:51am An additional 1,000,000 units issued. Total issuance increased to 101,000,100 units
7/18/14 9:21:10am An additional 100,000,000 units issued. Total issuance increased to 100,000,100 units
7/18/14 9:02:15am Token transferred from address 13FfNS1wu6u7G9ZYQnyxYP1YRntEqAyEJJ to address 15Rs7YLUP4NdZF37a4GEsiCxEwnAKHWeUd
7/11/14 10:15:33am Token created with description ‘http://storj.io’ and total issuance of 100 units. Owned by address 13FfNS1wu6u7G9ZYQnyxYP1YRntEqAyEJJ