We’re proud to announce that we have finished our airdrop! If you hold at least one of the Counterparty based assets listed below, YOUR WALLET maybe one of the lucky recepients. We divided the 4,600,000 KarmaToken (KTN) Airdrop fund among 9000 wallets and everyone of them received 511 KTN, IF YOU HOLD THESE ASSETS ON CRYPTO EXCHANGES, BE SURE TO ASK THEM TO CREDIT YOUR ACCOUNT! Those KTN are yours!
We will be requesting POLONIEX, BITTREX and BLEUTRADE to list KTN on their exchanges ASAP. You can also do the same personally. BTW If you have installed a Counterparty based APP, like Indiesquare and Book of Orbs, chances are some of them have received the KTN too.
At this point we have sent ALL the 4,600,000+ airdrop fund shares of the following Counterparty asset holders:
KARMATOKEN - Lucky 72 wallets, the asset group received a total of 36,792 KTN
CTGTOKENS - Lucky 21 wallets, the asset group received a total of 10,731 KTN
TOKENLY - Lucky 10 wallets, the asset group received a total of 5,110 KTN
PEPECASH -Lucky 661 wallets, the asset group received a total of 337,771 KTN
PROTOXENIUM - Lucky 58 wallets, the asset group received a total of 29,638 KTN
BITCRYSTALS - Lucky 842 wallets, the asset group received a total of 430,262
FLDC - Lucky 1,905 wallets the asset group received a total of 973,455 KTN
SJCX - Lucky 3164 wallets the asset group received a total of 1,616,804 KTN
LTBC- Lucky 2264 wallets the asset group received a total of 1,158,948 KTN
As much as possible, we avoided sending 511 to the same address holding multiple assets listed above. We are happily human
Can you credit my account?