If you have any issues or questions, feel free to post here (generally better than PMing a moderator, as it allows other users to answer).
Thanks xnova, looks like an excellent forum.
Xnova! Nice work! I like it. Good job.
[size=9pt][font=verdana]did i install correct?[/font][/size]
[font=verdana]what am i doing wrong?[/font]
[font=verdana]help please.
[/font]Microsoft Windows [Version 6.1.7600]<br />Copyright (c) 2009 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.<br /><br /><br />C:\\Users\\Peled>git clone https://github.com/xnova/counterpartyd_build<br />Cloning into 'counterpartyd_build'...<br />remote: Counting objects: 416, done.<br />remote: Compressing objects: 100% (175/175), done.<br />Receiving objects: 84% (350/416), 388.00emote: Total 416 (delta 269), reused 37<br />Receiving objects: 87% (362/416), 388.00 KiB | 230.00 KiB/s<br />Receiving objects: 100% (416/416), 406.52 KiB | 230.00 KiB/s, done.<br />Resolving deltas: 100% (269/269), done.<br />Checking connectivity... done.<br /><br /><br />C:\\Users\\Peled>cd counterpartyd_build<br /><br /><br />C:\\Users\\Peled\\counterpartyd_build>C:\\Python32\\python.exe setup.py<br />2014-02-03 02:42:18,042|DEBUG: base path: 'C:\\Users\\Peled\\counterpartyd_build'<br />2014-02-03 02:42:18,042|DEBUG: dist path: 'C:\\Users\\Peled\\counterpartyd_build\\di<br />st'<br />2014-02-03 02:42:18,042|DEBUG: env path: 'C:\\Users\\Peled\\counterpartyd_build\\env<br />'<br />2014-02-03 02:42:18,042|DEBUG: bin path: 'C:\\Users\\Peled\\counterpartyd_build\\bin<br />'<br />2014-02-03 02:42:18,042|INFO: Installing Counterparty from source...<br />2014-02-03 02:42:18,059|INFO: Checking out/updating counterpartyd:master from gi<br />t...<br />2014-02-03 02:42:18,059|DEBUG: RUNNING COMMAND: git clone -b master https://gith<br />ub.com/PhantomPhreak/counterpartyd "C:\\Users\\Peled\\counterpartyd_build\\dist\\coun<br />terpartyd"<br />Cloning into 'C:\\Users\\Peled\\counterpartyd_build\\dist\\counterpartyd'...<br />remote: Reusing existing pack: 2233, done.<br />remote: Counting objects: 36, done.<br />remote: Compressing objects: 100% (36/36), done.<br />remote: Total 2269 (delta 16), reused 0 (delta 0)<br />Receiving objects: 100% (2269/2269), 579.30 KiB | 252.00 KiB/s, done.<br />Resolving deltas: 100% (1687/1687), done.<br />Checking connectivity... done.<br />2014-02-03 02:42:22,855|INFO: WINDOWS: Installing Required Packages...<br />2014-02-03 02:42:22,855|DEBUG: RUNNING COMMAND: C:\\Python32\\Scripts\\easy_install<br />.exe virtualenv==1.10.1 pip==1.4.1 sphinx==1.2<br />Searching for virtualenv==1.10.1<br />Reading https://pypi.python.org/simple/virtualenv/<br />Best match: virtualenv 1.10.1<br />Downloading https://pypi.python.org/packages/source/v/virtualenv/virtualenv-1.10<br />.1.tar.gz#md5=3a04aa2b32c76c83725ed4d9918e362e<br />Processing virtualenv-1.10.1.tar.gz<br />Writing c:\\users\\peled\\appdata\\local\\temp\\easy_install-x_zied\\virtualenv-1.10.1\\<br />setup.cfg<br />Running virtualenv-1.10.1\\setup.py -q bdist_egg --dist-dir c:\\users\\peled\\appdat<br />a\\local\\temp\\easy_install-x_zied\\virtualenv-1.10.1\\egg-dist-tmp-l2i6uf<br />warning: no files found matching '*.egg' under directory 'virtualenv_support'<br />warning: no previously-included files matching '*' found under directory 'docs\\_<br />templates'<br />warning: no previously-included files matching '*' found under directory 'docs\\_<br />build'<br />Adding virtualenv 1.10.1 to easy-install.pth file<br />Installing virtualenv-script.py script to C:\\Python32\\Scripts<br />Installing virtualenv.exe script to C:\\Python32\\Scripts<br />Installing virtualenv-3.2-script.py script to C:\\Python32\\Scripts<br />Installing virtualenv-3.2.exe script to C:\\Python32\\Scripts<br /><br /><br />Installed c:\\python32\\lib\\site-packages\\virtualenv-1.10.1-py3.2.egg<br />Processing dependencies for virtualenv==1.10.1<br />Finished processing dependencies for virtualenv==1.10.1<br />Searching for pip==1.4.1<br />Reading https://pypi.python.org/simple/pip/<br />Best match: pip 1.4.1<br />Downloading https://pypi.python.org/packages/source/p/pip/pip-1.4.1.tar.gz#md5=6<br />afbb46aeb48abac658d4df742bff714<br />Processing pip-1.4.1.tar.gz<br />Writing c:\\users\\peled\\appdata\\local\\temp\\easy_install-sa_kli\\pip-1.4.1\\setup.cf<br />g<br />Running pip-1.4.1\\setup.py -q bdist_egg --dist-dir c:\\users\\peled\\appdata\\local\\<br />temp\\easy_install-sa_kli\\pip-1.4.1\\egg-dist-tmp-ki7_4a<br />warning: no files found matching '*.html' under directory 'docs'<br />warning: no previously-included files matching '*.rst' found under directory 'do<br />cs\\_build'<br />no previously-included directories found matching 'docs\\_build\\_sources'<br />Adding pip 1.4.1 to easy-install.pth file<br />Installing pip-script.py script to C:\\Python32\\Scripts<br />Installing pip.exe script to C:\\Python32\\Scripts<br />Installing pip-3.2-script.py script to C:\\Python32\\Scripts<br />Installing pip-3.2.exe script to C:\\Python32\\Scripts<br /><br /><br />Installed c:\\python32\\lib\\site-packages\\pip-1.4.1-py3.2.egg<br />Processing dependencies for pip==1.4.1<br />Finished processing dependencies for pip==1.4.1<br />Searching for sphinx==1.2<br />Reading https://pypi.python.org/simple/sphinx/<br />Best match: Sphinx 1.2<br />Downloading https://pypi.python.org/packages/source/S/Sphinx/Sphinx-1.2.tar.gz#m<br />d5=8516046aad73fe46dedece4e8e434328<br />error: Download error for https://pypi.python.org/packages/source/S/Sphinx/Sphin<br />x-1.2.tar.gz#md5=8516046aad73fe46dedece4e8e434328: [Errno 10054] An existing con<br />nection was forcibly closed by the remote host<br />2014-02-03 02:42:34,420|ERROR: Command failed: 'C:\\Python32\\Scripts\\easy_install<br />.exe virtualenv==1.10.1 pip==1.4.1 sphinx==1.2'<br /><br /><br />C:\\Users\\Peled\\counterpartyd_build>cd C:\\counterpartyd_build<br /><br /><br />C:\\counterpartyd_build>C:\\Python32\\python.exe run.py server<br />The system cannot find the path specified.<br /><br /><br />C:\\counterpartyd_build>"C:\\Python32\\python.exe" run.py server<br />The system cannot find the path specified.<br /><br /><br />C:\\counterpartyd_build>C:\\Python32\\python.exe run.py server<br />The system cannot find the path specified.<br /><br />C:\\counterpartyd_build>
We can use the following format to make it easier for developers to debug the issue. (from years of experience working in support)
Operating System and Version:
Bitcoin-QT version: 0.85 (from Help->About)
Steps to Reproduce Issue:
Console Output/Log File
Navigate to: %appdata%\Roaming\Counterparty\counterpartyd
1. counterpartyd.log
2. counterpartyd.conf (include only if connnectivity, issue also make sure to remove password inside file)
Does Problem occurs in Latest Build:
(see information on updating to latest source:
Screen capture or movie recording of issue reproduction.
Any one feel free to add suggestions to the template.
My question is, what happens if I accidentally send regular bitcoins to an address holding XCP?
[quote author=Sam link=topic=2.msg112#msg112 date=1391496351]
My question is, what happens if I accidentally send regular bitcoins to an address holding XCP?
It should be alright, as long as you own the Private Keys to that address(which you should anyway, if you are storing XCP in there). You can import the private keys into any Bitcoin clients and then transfer funds out of there.
So, I bought some XCP through the DEX:
* I checked the order book, found an offer @ 0.005 BTC per XCP.
* Posted a matching order (get 29 XCP, give 0.145 BTC.)
* Waited for a block
* Checked “counterpartyd market” again, saw that I had a matching order.
* It also showed as a matched order on blockscan.com.
* Used “counterpartyd btcpay” to pay for the matched order.
* Waited for another block.
Initially blockscan.com was showing a successful trade and a balance of 29 XCP in the above account.
Now it shows that the initial order TIMED OUT, and a balance of 0 XCP
[pre]~$ counterpartyd address 1JUXwDjh21yLkUhKNdggenexZK8XpeXTRx
| Asset | Amount |
| BTC | ?? |
| XCP | 29.0 |
[/pre]My local counterpartyd still believes I have 29 XCP.
So, what’s going on here?
[quote author=gacrux link=topic=2.msg251#msg251 date=1391684808]
So, I bought some XCP through the DEX:
* I checked the order book, found an offer @ 0.005 BTC per XCP.
* Posted a matching order (get 29 XCP, give 0.145 BTC.)
* Waited for a block
* Checked “counterpartyd market” again, saw that I had a matching order.
* It also showed as a matched order on blockscan.com.
* Used “counterpartyd btcpay” to pay for the matched order.
* Waited for another block.
Initially blockscan.com was showing a successful trade and a balance of 29 XCP in the above account.
Now it shows that the initial order TIMED OUT, and a balance of 0 XCP
[pre]~$ counterpartyd address 1JUXwDjh21yLkUhKNdggenexZK8XpeXTRx
| Asset | Amount |
| BTC | ?? |
| XCP | 29.0 |
[/pre]My local counterpartyd still believes I have 29 XCP.
So, what’s going on here?
OK, somewhat alarming news: this doesn’t appear to be a bug with blockscan.com as I had hoped. See my cross post here, replied to by mtbitcoin (who runs blockscan.com):
It sounds like his counterpartyd (develop branch) and my counterpartyd (cloned from master yesterday) don’t agree on the balance of:
His prints out a small bitcoin balance (which I can confirm exists) and zero XCP. Mine misses the bitcoin balance but prints out 29 XCP (as I believed I had bought.)
So this is essentially a consensus bug in the XCP protocol. Do we have a well specified copy of the protocol somewhere that I could turn to to determine which counterpartyd is behaving correctly? This stuff needs to be deterministic and public.
Also, aren’t trades supposed to be atomic? When I posted my order at block 284390 both my local counterpartyd and blockscan (http://blockscan.com/address.aspx?q=1JUXwDjh21yLkUhKNdggenexZK8XpeXTRx) were showing a matched order. I assumed it was safe to complete payment and sent the BTCPAY in the very next block (284391.) My (rudimentary) understanding of the protocol was that once we have an order match, published in the blockchain, that the BTCPAY was guaranteed to complete the trade.
I also bought 13 XCP at this address:
Which has suffered the same fate
[quote author=gacrux link=topic=2.msg257#msg257 date=1391692641]
So this is essentially a consensus bug in the XCP protocol. Do we have a well specified copy of the protocol somewhere that I could turn to to determine which counterpartyd is behaving correctly? This stuff needs to be deterministic and public.
Also, aren’t trades supposed to be atomic? When I posted my order at block 284390 both my local counterpartyd and blockscan (http://blockscan.com/address.aspx?q=1JUXwDjh21yLkUhKNdggenexZK8XpeXTRx) were showing a matched order. I assumed it was safe to complete payment and sent the BTCPAY in the very next block (284391.) My (rudimentary) understanding of the protocol was that once we have an order match, published in the blockchain, that the BTCPAY was guaranteed to complete the trade.
The issue was that the order match that you tried to pay for doesn’t exist in the new version.
Cross-posted from https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=395761.msg4973865#msg4973865:
I just found a bad (and silly) bug in the order/bet matching code that was indeed preventing counterpartyd from sorting things properly. I’ve just update the code to sort the right way from block 284500 on, so this change will be backwards-compatible. However, you must update your clients now. The change has been pushed to both branches