Account looks like it has been reset to new

If you can see your address in counterwallet then choose “Address Actions”->“Show Private Key”. I recommend to always store your private keys safe and have it as backup when your normal login is not working anymore. Then you can import the private key into a new coutnerwallet.

Alternative: I found this in Counterwallet FAQ:
You can mathematically generate your public and private keys using your passphrase. Since the addresses are generated on the fly using JavaScript, it is possible to do this in your own browser (even offline).

  1. Here you can download the Counterwallet address key generator

  2. Extract the zip file and open the tool_generatekey.html

  3. Enter your counterwallet passphrase overwriting the default passphrase

  4. Choose amount of keys you had or more

  5. Click login

=> see your public and private key(s)

  1. Create a new counterwallet with new passphrase

  2. Import private keys to new counterwallet

I hope this is not doing a circle and importing the private key to a new counterwallet helps.