3,785.91925344 this is my current balance of troptions gold crypto is that enough to buy a car

Greetings. I came across this platform that discussed xtroptions gold and I read all the conversations. I will definitely require your assistance as well. My email is kammona922@gmail.com
Looking forward to hear from you. Thanks

I also just came across this forum. Please email me at patrickstuart0915@gmail.com with any updates. I have some xtroptions and I would like to either spend them, or transfer them into a crypto that’s easier to use. Thanks!

Please let me know of how I can convert in BTC. I have XTROPTIONS.GOLD right now on freewallet.io. You can email back at curt.oteusa@gmail.com. Thanks!

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Any luck? I am trying to figure out same, I have a guy trying to pay for a rolls Royce and I see no way to conveet

Hey everyone, same here. We have troptions gold too, and havent the faintest idea what to do with it. Hoping being in here we can all figure it out. I’m in Australia.

Is Troptions a scam like MYBLT coin created on counterparty? I noticed the owner of MYBLT address holds Troptions.

Did you get a solution @dinodadog71 @BennyK

no, no solution yet.
Anyone got more information?? What platform do we have to be on to trade with it ?

any luck here ?? were you able to convert and trade with them ?