A bit more detailed description of XPLDNBTC before the FULL release of the CMS site within the next few days. I do want to thank those that have been buying on the DEx and showing confidence and stability in this project. You all will love this great project.
The Asset known as XPLDNBTC stands for Exploding Bitcoins.
This is a brief summary of my Asset and what goals this Asset will achieve. First off this is something that is very near and dear to me, plus I am really excited about. I have been involved in bitcoin from 2010 and I have lived off bitcoin for the last 3 ½ years. What I want to stress, by saying that, is that bitcoin is my life and has changed my life in such a positive way. So this Asset is a way I can give back to bitcoin and the crypto community.
My Direction for this Asset is to Explode Bitcoins to the Public Eye and start a movement towards the stabilization of Bitcoin as a currency and to Change the future of how people will come to do business. In other words, I want to turn this into a movement to build a new level of strength to bitcoin AND cryptocurrency to stabilize the prices, get rid of the scammers and make Crypto FUN and SAFE again.
Through this Asset, I want to reinforce the same principles under which our founder created bitcoin under.
I am using my once popular domain, explodingbitcoins.com, as the platform for this. Just a note, as of this posting on June 18 2016, the site is not live yet. So much planning, thought and work has gone into this and I am only releasing it when I’m 100% sure it’s perfect. I began planning over 1 year ago in May 2015, and work began August 2015. With that said, the site will be live some time between today, June 18 2016 and June 30 2016. The latter being the absolute latest. I will update you ASAP when it leaves testing and goes live within the next few days.
On the top of the list of principles that need to be corrected is ZERO TOLERANCE for fraud, scams of any kind and untrustworthy behavior. If you fall in this category, please do NOT buy your stake in this Asset. This has been such a huge problem in bitcoin that I’ve gone 10 steps further than anyone has gone in preventing and Eliminating these people. If we are to succeed in making Bitcoin strong and stable, this unthinkable behavior MUST stop. That reason is why I’ve created this elaborate plan that will make those few bad apples finally instantly responsible for their actions. To make these people stop their behavior, I’ve found a way to implement quite serious consequences no matter where they live or how good they think they are at stealing from people. Of course this Asset is not completely about eliminating scammer, but I had to stress that part.
The general idea of the Asset is to bring all the Great Bitcoin developers, innovators and community members together and make a concerted effort to expand bitcoin’s reach in the general public. This Asset will be for everyone experienced in bitcoin and for Beginners to come and learn from everyone involved in the Asset. The greatest thing we as a community, with the same ideas for bitcoin, can do is pool our resources and show the world how great bitcoin is. Once we as a community do this, each and everyone of us will benefit immensely from the small effort needed to get Bitcoin completely on track again. Just quickly think of a few things that the growth of Bitcoin can do for everyone. 1) Growth equals demand. Continual demand equals a less volatile currency and incidentally increases the collective value of Bitcoin. 2) More users from the Billions of people obviously NOT using Bitcoin can do so many great things for us. To mention just a few of the many examples, larger network, more users = free exposure for spreading bitcoin because you all know how you were when you first got fully involved, the ultimate goal of using Bitcoin as a worldwide currency starts to get closer. Last example, look at all bitcoin has done or opened up for you. So what’s wrong with giving back to something that you love and believe in. Best of all, think of who brought bitcoin to your attention and how great you felt to be part of something you knew will change the world someday, why not spread that feeling by showing new users this great tool they can use.
The site is built on a large CMS platform, each person will have their own account page setup similar to a social media page. Tokenly is fully integrated for instant Crypto and Asset exchanges among many other things that they provide such as a tipping/paying platform that allows sending 1 person a tip to sending mass payments or tips to the whole community. I am just going to list the main areas, first upon logging in you will land on your account dashboard. From the pull down tab you have 8 options each with a vast number of sub options. So the 8 main areas are, Account, Forum, CMS, Blog, RSS, Tokenly, Store, Ad Manager. This is just a very small sample of what’s available to you.
The platform will provide extremely easy access to buy Bitcoin. That service will be provided by a large proven company that provides instant delivery of the purchase of Bitcoin. Then in a growing new way to purchase, Bitcoin can be purchased using Gift Cards as well. This service will be provided by two of the largest volume buyers of gift cards in the world. They exchange your Gift Cards for Bitcoin with an instant delivery of your Bitcoins.
As an Asset holder you should be Proud to know 8% of the Total Asset Net Sales will be donated to the Purple Heart Foundation, 4% of the total net sales will be donated to the American Human Society, 3% of the Total Net Sales will be donated to the Bitcoin Foundation and 3% of the Total Net Sales will be donated to the Counterparty Foundation. That is a total of 18% of the Total Net Sales directly be donated to 4 very worthy Charities.