I sent 5$ in Bitcoin to a SwapBot as I wanted to see if it ran out of fuel and thus is inactive. Now the bot might actually send me back some tokens although I did not state that I want to start the swap, I just wanted to fund the address a little.
Have done it from my Mycelium wallet.
Would it work to just restore the same seed in a counterparty wallet? What steps would be required to recover the token if possible at all?
Google did unfortunately not help me a lot here. So if anyone could point me to an article explain why/how/or why not this works.
Thanks for your reply. I have already had contact with Adam Levine regarding this bot. And we are in an e-mail conversation regarding a related topic.
My question here is more of academic nature. Is there a way to recover tokens if they are sent to a normal Bitcoin address? Will the bot even send it or are XCP addresses somehow recognizable? I am new to Counterparty and only started with Spells of Genesis a few weeks back.