Official Counterparty Update Oct 21 2014

Cant wait to hear what the big news will be!

My complete speculation would be one of the following:

[1] New legit exchange partner with integration for any Counterparty asset. Fingers crossed for a quality exchange like Kraken.
[2] Hardware Wallet (e.g. Trezor) Integration with Counterwallet.
[3] The Open Sourcing of Medici.
[4] Counterparty support in a reputable wallet service like, Circle, Coinbase etc.
[5] Some big name support of or partnership with the Counterparty Foundation.
[6] Third Party implementation/hosting of Counterwallet, with new features.
[7] Partnership with Reddit to launch their crypto-equity offering on Counterparty.
[8] Some way to trade BTC more easily on the DEx.
[9] Multi-sig roll out on main-net and in Counterwallet.
[10] A Counterparty specific alternate implementation of Bitcoin Core.

If we could get all of these, that would be great! =D

[2] is very likely

[2] is very likely

Likely to be the “big news” or likely to occur soon anyway? Quite a few of those ideas are likely to occur at some stage.

[2] is very likely

Likely to be the “big news” or likely to occur soon anyway? Quite a few of those ideas are likely to occur at some stage.

I’ve talked to a few hardware devs and they seem generally positive towards Counterparty, but I don’t think it’s the big news. Just that it’s likely to occur soon.

[8] is something that I’ve been waiting for as well. I don’t know of any plans for that, but as others on this forum have said crypto-exchanges would find interest to use the DEx to their advantage as they could get higher prices for sellers and maybe lower for buyers. 

I don’t know how much of an issue is the fact that you can’t settle trades instantly (because from the end user perspective it’d seem illogical that some trades settle instantly, while others (those offloaded to the DEx) take 30 minutes. 
Perhaps some clever use of multisig wallets (owned by crypto-exchanges) could allow them to compress that time lag while taking a small risk?