I have a plan

Bitcoin was not built to handle a stock exchange.

It needs a new blockchain.  That sounds like a large undertaking, but I think is highly doable given Overstock’s backing.  It also requires a proper data format the various regulatory authorities will accept.

I have most of the details worked out.  Contact me for more info.

there is already at least 3 forks of counterparty that do exactly this. 

You could just outline your plan here and open it to discussion and scrutiny by the community.

A separate blockchain would be an unsustainable idea, and defeats the entire purpose of Counterparty.

A separate blockchain would be an unsustainable idea, and defeats the entire purpose of Counterparty.

This is not entirely true if it is a well-secured sidechain.

The exchange is open for business on the blockchain. Please keep it civil.

Currently, the hex to text reader and writer can be found at http://cryptograffiti.info.

I am currently locating appropriate partners and capital, so as to improve the hand typed interface.

I think the trade on http://cryptograffiti.info shows the basic architecture. It needs a better UI and to finalize the data structure.

My public Bitcoin address is tied to my passport hash on the blockchain, along with birth info.

Im still not sure how to interpret this. Does your project use Counterparty in any way?

And Equality7, how would you secure this blockchain?

I do need some assistance in developing the user interface and defining the data structure, among other things.

Is this… Counterparty related? I still have no idea

I am underfunded at the moment. However, it appears counterparty, overstock, and I have sim

ilar and non-competing interests. Perhaps complimentary.