Help me get TXID

I sent FLDC from my wallet to the Bittrex wallet. Since I had only 0.0006 BTC, the commission was about 31 satoshs per byte. It’s been 19 hours, and my transaction is not only not executed, but even nowhere is it displayed. And in Pending transaction is displayed only in one of the browsers.

How do I find out the TXID to use the transaction accelerators or how do I cancel a transaction to try again, but with a higher commission?

I used Google translator, forgive me.

From wallet: 1MU7FC79DgCSsLF4geiXZ1x3k8xr39adLa
To: 16tjA89wqnEPcHEk4Xbx5G8Jd88WbiKGfA

7,006.612 FLDC