Help creating a new token! (Quick questions)

Hello everyone, I am looking for assistance in the creation of a new cryptocurrency token!

  1. Upon creation of my new token, what is the initial maximum amount of tokens that can be created?
  2. Afterwards, is it possible to continually add new tokens at will and if so, is there a limit to how many tokens can be created?
  3. Is there an ultimate limit to how many tokens can be created?
  4. How much $ worth of tokens can be deposited initially? (i.e. does the amount of $ initially deposited affect how many tokens can be created down the line)

Thanks in advance. Would greatly appreciate answers to one or more of these questions.

  1. Upon creation of my new token, what is the initial maximum amount of tokens that can be created?

It depends on if your issuing a divisible or non-divisible asset.
A quick check of the Counterparty database shows the following max supply :
Divisible asset = 92,233,720,368.00000000
Non-divisible asset = 9,223,372,036,854,775,807

  1. Afterwards, is it possible to continually add new tokens at will and if so, is there a limit to how many tokens can be created?

You can issue additional tokens all the way up to the max allowed supply as long as the asset is not locked

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Hello! Thank you for the response! I was wondering if it is possible to eventually create the maximum amount just by utilizing half of an XCP (i.e. paying the initial fee that needs to be paid)?

You are only charged 0.5 XCP when you do the first issuance to create the asset. After the initial issuance, all subsequent issuances have no XCP cost.