Counterparty Mobile Wallet is Here!

Hey, thanks for the comment.

Multiple public address capability is actually a common request and we are going to add it sooner rather than later. It’s absolutely necessary to protect users’ privacy.

Please wait for the updates. When the feature’s added, I will definitely let you know.

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BTC trading was disabled in Counterwallet because of bad user experience. With XCP and other assets the DEX works flawlessly. These are held in escrow. With BTC it’s different. Some may offer to buy XCP for BTC, and when you place a matching order to sell your XCP, the other party may not transfer BTC. This is really annoying, to say the least (you waste your time and a tx fee - although you DO NOT lose any XCP or have any other counterparty risk).

BTC trading is still allowed on a protocol level. You just have to use another wallet.

I think a solution is that whoever places an offer where he shall transfer BTC, also must put some XCP in escrow. If he does not transfer BTC as he’s supposed to, the other side of the trade will be compensated with XCP. This would require a protocol change, I believe.

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Koji from the mobile IndieSquare was on this weeks episode

We are considering a drastic change to current UI and make the wallet much more intuitive to use especially the dex UI.

If any of you have any feedback about our mobile wallet’s UI/UX, we would really appreciate it and your opinion will likely be reflected.

Some examples include…

・Maybe we are taking too much space for Assets Created on the mobile wallet
・QR code page needs to be more easily accessible

We’ve added a engineer(part-time) to the team for UI improvement. Expect quicker updates and better user experience!

Thanks for the support.

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HI - If the asset creation piece is an issue, perhaps its best to just remove it. After all, most people that would use a mobile wallet would use it for the token sending and receiving as opposed to creating their own token. I know for Scotcoin this would be useful as ‘less is more’ and 100% of our users would just want the mobile app for using Scotcoin and BTC.


I feel you are correct, however in the future it would be nice to have this option still as well as many mainstream users no longer use laptops, but they use mobiles. So for now, if the focus is not asset creation that would not break my heart, but developing it further in the future i feel is a good need. Its nice (when it works) to show people on the go that you can simply create assets. I have done this at my meetup many times.

for sure Robert…

We don’t know if we are going to remove it at all but I see your point it being not the main function users need every day. We are going to reduce the space dedicated for new asset creation after the next UI update.

Interesting you actually use the asset creation function for demo purpose. For now, we will at least keep it in app, but I would love to know if there are any other who would love the asset creation function in the mobile app.

Right now, our main concern is usability of the Dex. Once the Dex becomes more user-friendly and interactive on mobile, that would really make Counterparty and the Dex more attractive for lots of people.

Hi guys - sent out a note to our subscribers re the mobile wallet and other info - hope you get some downloads cointea! Scotcoin Updates August 2015 -

I think that is great! Having a mobile DEX is far more useful then having a mobile asset creation. I use the asset creation just for demo purposes, but like @Scotcoin has said, this is cool, but not essential for the mobile app to be successful. keep doing what you guys are doing :smiley:

Good comment Robert.

Not to massively confuse this! But it seems like there’s 3 tiers here -

  1. Plain Vanilla Mobile Wallet Functionality - Zero ‘bells and whistles’.
  2. Wallet + DEX
  3. Wallet + DEX + Token Creation

For us, numero uno is all that’s needed :slight_smile:

Ver 0.6.0 is out for Android. Push-notifications added.

Right now, notifications are only available when you send tokens from the latest version of the mobile wallet(Android ver 0.6.0) but in the future, we will make it compatible with from other wallets like

An iOS update will follow very soon. iPhone users, please bear with it a little while :grin:

Oh and now you can sign out of your account. If you want to use different accounts, it’s much easier to do so.

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The iOS app has also been updated to the latest version just now.

Now between IndieSquare wallets, you can receive push notifications when you receive tokens. Please check it out and let us know what you think!

Both iOS and Android apps have been updated to ver 0.7.0 today.

If you have not yet, please install or update our new wallet. Hope you will like it and find it useful. We are very excited to be finally able to release the update and hearing the community’s feedback.

The main changes are

  • Rebranding

Renamed the wallet to IndieSquare Wallet officially and created a new logo as well.

  • UI improvement

Overall UI improvement including adding token icons. The most notable improvement is the Dex, allowing users to trade tokens from their smartphone without a hassle.

  • More extensive use of fiat values

Now showing values of major tokens in fiat as well as bitcoin and XCP. The fiat value of a token is from the Dex. Also, you can choose to specify the fiat value when you send a token.

  • Other bug fixes and improvements

Fixed some critical bugs on the Dex, history and stability.

For more info, please go to our wallet website

We will make more incremental improvements and add more features in the future, but for now, enjoy IndieSquare Wallet ver 0.7.0!

Really great update :+1:

Just some notes

  • Tried to send BTC, but got error “Alert. Invalid”
  • When typing in amount to send, I only see digits 1-9. To view “.”, “0” and “DEL” I had to drag up the keypad. At first it was confusing. I use a standard Samsung Android phone.
  • I forgot my password but could not recover it from the passphrase. Therefore had to sign up all together with the same passphrase.
  • When typing in passphrase, the characters are blurred out. It is difficult to enter an entire passphrase with no mistakes (I suggest some code to automatically repair a passphrase -

All in all, I’m a huge a fan of this project. The new design is really nice, the GUI is intuitive, and I’m particularly satisfied with having fiat values (EUR, in my case) next to token balances.


Hey thanks a lot for the detailed feedback!

Are you still experiencing this error?

This(Samsung keyboard) is actually a known error and we are going to fix this soon! We will probably implement a built in keyboard like a send page.

We are going to remove the need to type in a password by the end of Oct as more than several people have reported they had forgotten their password (actually I’m one of them, haha)

Thanks for a great suggestion. We will look into this code.

I also think showing fiat values is important as well as long as we are more used to thinking values in terms of fiat… In the next update, we will use fiat values more extensively in the Dex so that a user can understand more easily how many tokens they are selling or buying for how much.

If you notice anything else, please comment here or you can reach us @Indie_Square on Twitter as well!

great stuff guys! keep up the work and i look forward to speaking with you soon :smiley:

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Much better than the old version. Good job.

I tried to send BTC to the address though and after 11 confirmations on the mainnet the wallet still doesn’t show the balance updated on the BTC.

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