Making a Multisig Tx in the CLI

An example multi‐sig source transaction is tx hash e06d22276699de6ed1c5322133b0968114067ce833120bb9126182a1ad19de83

Here’s how you can make a multisig transaction:

counterparty-client --unconfirmed --testnet --database-file=test.db send --source='1_mn6q3dS2EnDUx3bmyWc6D4szJNVGtaR7zc_mfzSPkV7kAYma5oxZ37pHkw9qtwAEQx8Wy_2' --destination='mn6q3dS2EnDUx3bmyWc6D4szJNVGtaR7zc' --quantity=.1337 --asset=XCP

That’s a 1-of-2 multisig address that the 0.1337 XCP would be sent to.

The multisig addresses are represented as such a string as {m}_{address}_{address}_{address}_{n}, where the addresses (pubkey hashes) are sorted alphabetically/numerically.

1-of-2, 2-of-2, 1-of-3, 2-of-3 and 3-of-3 are supported at the moment.

NOTE: Each address in a multisig source must have already made at least one non-multisig transaction in the blockchain, for counterpartyd to be able to retrieve its pubkey from the blockchain.

You can sign transactions with bitcoind's signrawtransaction command, and broadcast with sendrawtransaction.