The password you set would be used together with the URL:
If you have the password but not the URL (or URL, but not the password), then this won’t work.
If you can get it, then you still won’t be able to find your 12 word pass phrase*, but you’d be able to get all the private keys for your wallet addresses and/or send your funds to a new wallet (which you can create separately).
The 12 word pass phrase provides a way to access the wallet and all addresses within it. It is shown to the user only once and there’s no backup or recovery (and also there’s no registration of users, so the Project know neither the pass phrase nor the identity of wallet/address owners). This approach provides excellent security, but there’s no way to recover the credentials because noone has seen them except the user (at the time of wallet creation).
- Maybe it would be possible to use the Counterwallet Easy Access URL script to create a pass phrase recovery script, but such script doesn’t exist at the moment. It’s easy enough to sweep the addresses (or send the contents elsewhere).