I’ll be doing a seminar and wondering if it’s possible
to bulk generate counterparty wallets and addresses in advance so I can
have them generate their own tokens during the seminar.
I’ll send them each a little btc in advance too, so a wallet address is needed when
it’s generated too.
Thank you for your question CoinRepublic 
The easiest way (I can think) to do it is to open up the Blockchainscan wallet generation tool at https://blockscan.com/tool_generatekey , and open your chrome javascript console. In that little command window, type the following javascript:
for(i=0; i<10; i++) {
var m = new Mnemonic(128);
var HDPrivateKey = bitcore.HDPrivateKey.fromSeed(m.toHex(), bitcore.Networks.livenet);
derived = HDPrivateKey.derive("m/0'/0/" + 0);
address = new bitcore.Address(derived.publicKey,bitcore.Networks.livenet);
console.log('HD Key:'+m.toWords().join(' ')+': '+address.toString());
You can replace the “10” in that for loop with however many addresses you need. After you hit enter, your screen will fill with a mneumonic hd private key to the left of the colon, and a corresponding first public key to the right.
Thank-you for shopping at Walmart.
tested- working!
thanks- will save me a ton of time!