CounterParty Fees

Is anyone having very high fees for trying to make a withdrawal of BTC? I have roughly around .0035 BTC on my account so not a whole lot but still about $13 at these prices however, I when I try to make a withdrawal even with low priority it says I need to have at least 0.004 BTC to cover the fee. That would be roughly around $14 which is insane if you ask me…

You can set Priority to Custom Fee and use 10 sat/byte which is 0.0001 BTC. But check at before that at 10 satoshi the Delay/Time is not inf.

Even with a custom fee set at 10 sats, still says I need a fee of around .0034 which would still be like $12 which makes no sense… Also with the custom fee set at 10 sats, it gives me a fee of .0034 but I have .0035 so I should be able to make the withdrawal anyways, yet it fails and says I have insufficient funds…

There is a technical explanation which says the .0035 BTC consist of many small transactions so to withdrawal it needs many small fees cumulated.

So next step use custom fee with 1 sat/byte which is fast enough currently but may take one day.