I have setup the counterparty server and it is running. Now when i want to get the information using the API in php like “get_running_info” using the password and username then it does not return any information. Also the balance respect to an address is returning null but the address does have some testcoin BTC in it. The rpc user and pasword is set from public.coindaddy.io and i want to user the user credential of Blocktrail replacing will it work?
My php Code is as follows:
require ‘JsonRPC-master/src/JsonRPC/Client.php’;
use JsonRPC\Client;
$client = new Client(‘’);
echo ‘
$result = $client->execute(‘get_balances’, array(‘filters’ => array(‘field’ => ‘address’, ‘op’ => ‘==’, ‘value’ => ‘2NCg1dyz1v8irkMNUjJs3FT1tZb7A23VXzC’)));
print(“get_balances result:\n”);
$result2 = $client->execute(‘get_running_info’);
print(“get_running_info result:\n”);I also want to change the rpc user and pasword which is set from public.coindaddy.io and i want to use the user credential of Blocktrail.com will it work then?