Theodore “Duncan” Krostue Brings a Personal Touch to CounterParty Public Relations and Group Meetings
Duncan draws on a strong history of decentralized internet publishing, peer to peer technology, blockchain tech, cryptoart, and online agency experience along with an academic background of informatics and marketing to offer public relations duties a competent voice. Over the last four years he has rooted himself as a publisher, heavy user, elected representative and now as Community Outreach Manager of CounterParty. Getting the newsletter on a regular publication schedule and the monthly meeting streaming again are top priorities for this new brand manager and spokesperson. Starting immediately he is calling for submissions of articles and contact from projects as well as reaching out to press agencies in order to facilitate healthier communication between the community of users and the general public.
Before Blockchains
Following an introduction to corporate media, advertising and web design in the late 90s, this artist soon took to publishing online on various net labels, such as Soulseek Records, before eventually forging his own. While finishing High School, Duncan worked as a photography and layout assistant at a local advertising agency then an ISP. Starting with an introduction to file trading and a CDR burner this DJ was able to see the cultural power of sharing global content locally. Most importantly he soon came face to face with the growing need for publishing media in digital ways to be more accessible than current clearnet technology.
With the momentum of social media this artist found himself booking shows and organizing local events for regional and touring acts. While continuing his education at IUSB in the Informatics program he drew on conventional web design and printing knowledge to promote local shows and self-published works. From climbing cell phone towers (for installation of wireless networks) to working various positions at a computer factory he gained tech experience before relocation. Later in life Duncan enrolled in the Marketing program at Western Governors but got distracted from most non-family activities by an obsession with bitcoin and blockchain technology around 2012.
At a time when this artist was exploring many different platforms in order to find a home for his music meets crypto ideas, he found RarePepe and gave CounterParty a serious try. Four years ago, in May, he bought his first batch of PEPECASH. Forthwith he was selling his meager holdings in all altcoins and putting his all into producing and purchasing cryptoart. During his first trip to NYC, at the first Rare.AF in 2018, he sold at auction, FRESHPEPE.print, a physical NFT with 100% issuance. He knew it was not because of the illustration itself, but because the community was stronger than he ever expected. At the conference sequel he was the only author to answer the call to papers. After incorporating feedback into this 20 page treatise on the definition of cryptoart he published this document on the intranet of DWebCamp 2019 and It is his viewpoint that using the protocol to empower every user should be integral in any service offering as he finalizes his own.
Two years ago Duncan was nominated and voted in as part of the new XCP Foundation team. On a regular basis he worked with the other elected officials in an attempt to facilitate great achievements that only an organization can. Also during this time Duncan continued to be one of the heaviest users on CounterParty, reporting actual bugs, and developing his own documentation and services to meet the needs of the community members. Education is an important aspect in fulfillment of all his roles: user, foundation member and now Community Outreach Manager. Therefore it is a great opportunity for Duncan to fulfill some of the needed duties in this capacity of Community Outreach Manager.
Call for Participation
Duncan looks forward to a fruitful future for all involved with the CounterParty protocol, from publishers to collectors and especially innovators. To kick off his duties, Duncan is asking for any and all leads for articles or authors to email him directly at the official account: He is now taking information from those interested in presenting information in the upcoming July 2021 newsletter or yet to be scheduled teleconference late next month. Updates about existing projects will be sought out and retold if not volunteered. Please contribute by sending a short synopsis and contact information for new projects or relevant information that should be included in the upcoming issue and or episode.