Yesterday I added a new address to my counterwallet.
Addresses are never really gone. Have you tried this
Is your address there?
Thanks for the great tool, @mtbitcoin!

Yes, it’s an annoyance that’s been around for months. You can add a new address and in all likelihood the “disassociated” address should appear.
never mind
just logged in and i’m having this issue as well.
when i put the address in as watch only i get a notification that the address is already in my wallet, however it does not show up again, even after log out/log in
@Dominik_Zynis I believe this issue was never fully resolved. Would you be up for creating a few additional addresses, that should make the old address appear in the wallet again?
nevermind I am not 100% sure that 12 words belonged to that address, as i do have the privkey in another location. I think it did belong to it, however I can’t prove it.
When i used the tool on blockscan to print out 99 (max it allowed) address based on the HD wallet key the address didn’t come up.
So i think you’ll need to find someone else. Or have the org do the testing. But as I have been informed counterwallet team does not seem to have plans for long term support of this.
Counterwallet Helper ( can work to a search depth of at least 10,000 addresses (I tested just now).
You could run it to an arbitrary depth, output result to file and go see a movie, then come back and check whether your address is or isn’t there.
i believe i see you had this resolved in the skype chat, is that correct?
I have also lost an address which has a fair few tokens attached … not happy. How to use this tool
[edit] ok so generating a new address, regenerated the same address … i get it. Phew