Counterparty Foundation Election 2015 (March 19th - April 16th)

The Counterparty Foundation is a non-profit organization dedicated to advancing the Counterparty protocol and its products, educating the community on the Counterparty technology and its uses, driving global Counterparty awareness, and ensuring Counterparty remains a successful, thriving and growing financial platform with an increasing number of projects being built on top of its technology.

The Foundation is governed by five directors, two Founding Directors, Robby Dermody and Adam Krellenstein, and three Community Directors.

Today, we’re happy to announce the start of the Counterparty Foundation Community Directors election.

For the next two weeks, from March 19th till April 2nd, we are inviting everyone to participate in the election process by nominating candidates to fill three Community Director seats. The only requirement for the nomination is that the candidate hold at least 50 XCP and prove this by broadcasting a message from his or her address with the name of the nominee.

Please note that the sitting board of directors, by a super-majority vote, may disqualify non-viable candidates from election (as per Proposed changes to the Bylaws by ivanaszuber · Pull Request #66 · CounterpartyXCP/Documentation · GitHub).

This will be the official election thread used to gather the names and addresses of qualifying candidates.

If you would like to nominate yourself or another candidate, please reply to this thread with the following candidate information:

  • First and Last name
  • Bio
  • Picture
  • Bitcoin address (must have at least 50 XCP)
  • Tx of the broadcast used to verify the ownership of 50 XCP

On April 2nd, the Executive Director will generate a Bitcoin address for each candidate that meets the requirement. Names and addresses of all candidates will be published on a public Blockscan voting scoreboard.

On the same day, the executive director will issue a voting token called CFELECTION of 10 million units (divisible and locked) and send dividends to all XCP holders with this vote token as the dividend asset (meaning that all XCP addresses will receive some quantity vote token in proportion to their XCP balance).

During the two-week long voting period, from April 2nd till April 18th, owners of addresses with a vote token balance will be able to send them to one or more of the addresses corresponding to the candidate(s) they wish to vote for. Candidates’ current scores, will be publicly displayed on the Blockscan voting scoreboard.

After the election, top three addresses that receive the highest number of vote tokens will be announced as winners, and their owners receive Community Director positions for the term of one year.

We’re looking forward to your candidacy and hope this election will be a fair, successful and transparent process of selecting the best candidates to fill these key positions.