Updating Information on Counterparty.io

Hey dTNGHeuristics

Since there is very limited funding, tackling this modification of the design and user experience would either require:

  • Funding a Website Designer and rigorously going through a long process of community involvement to get a new layout agreed upon and continuously updated. (Sounds like a headache, especially if they don’t know what Counterparty is about)

  • Having someone reorganize and retune the ‘look’ of the website while also keeping in respect to color scheme, still using older logos and keeping the historical ‘image’ of Counterparty. And doing so without pay or by donation only.

This is why I just thought it may be best to keep all the same “structure” of the website but just update key text information. Maybe add another page (like adding the historical timelines), but one that would emulate the style that is already there to keep costs and time spent low while keeping the historical and recognizable ‘look’ still intact.

In my user opinion if you made it this far, you are pretty accustomed to reading alot of text. And truly I don’t think the present website has “too much” of it, unless you are diving into the Doc’s section. In the past this space invited many developers to use the tools already built to experiment on top of Bitcoin.

Though I don’t disagree maybe the Wallets section and others could be spruced up and “beautified” in a manner with ‘nodes’ or ‘sections’ laid out in a cool UI manner. But in my opinion website changes like that can turn into a much longer process and can be tedious.

But hey if you wanna take a crack at it I’m all eyes open. Could be something useful for newer users.

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