now were you doing this on testnet or main? it appears you were doing it on testnet but i just wanted to confirm with you the network you were on? secondly, what exactly are you trying to “get”? because the way i read your post, it seemed as if you are attempting to “change” the output destination of that tx. which is no longer possible as it was in the past through a very lengthy process PRIOR to the 1st confirmation being obtained. that was only done by canceling a tx then respending the available “value” and of course you needed to be the holder of the private keys to resign the new tx.
remember, createrawtransaction does not automatically create change outputs, so you can easily accidentally pay a large transaction fee. In this example, our input had 50.0000 bitcoins and our output ($NEW_ADDRESS) is being paid 49.9999 bitcoins, so the transaction will include a fee of 0.0001 bitcoins. If we had paid $NEW_ADDRESS only 10 bitcoins with no other changes to this transaction, the transaction fee would be a whopping 40 bitcoins. See the Complex Raw Transaction subsection below for how to create a transaction with multiple outputs so you can send the change back to yourself.