Q: My (registered) name showed up in the responses, why?
A: That is because:
- You entered it in your Profile (https://forums.counterparty.io/users/YOURNAME => Preferences)
- The forum uses this in “From” notifications
Feel free to edit your name to be the same as your forum nick.
Q: Is there a way to get notified without email?
If you use Chrome, you can try Discourse notifier for Chrome: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/discourse-notifications/okmkhbdimfnmdhpclfbamachjcpcgcmi
If you use RSS feeds, try https://forums.counterparty.io/posts.rss and other formats (by topic, author, etc.) supported by Discourse.
Q: How I can join the Counterparty Community Slack?
Register here: http://slack.counterparty.io/ and access here: https://counterparty.slack.com/