I see the confusion that this change would cause to newcomers but this is part of having a decentralized base imo. Newcomers are never save from those problems and XCP certainly is not newcomer friendly. If you look at how many times XCP tries to get traded on the DEX for BTC just to have noobies realize that they just wasted 5$ transaction fees on a contract that will never automatically execute for them and actually repeat to be executed until there is no more Bitcoins left seems like a MUCH bigger issue imo than allowing the creation of premium asset for a premium price.
People should be allowed to do whatever they like to do and not be limited by some authority that tells them the rules based on some fear that is yet to be proven. There are Ethereum ERC-20 tokens out there for pretty much every cryptocurrency and I’m yet to see people complaining about massive scams happening there (apart from the obvious ICO scams). Unfortunately in the crypto-space there aren’t any guide-posts and helpful hands to tell you everything and often you have to learn the hard way to get the point across.
Just recently we had a fake counterwallet URL and I don’t wanna know how many XCP and tokens got ripped out of beginners hands because of the similarity to the real website and the late recognition of the problem and the warning messages. If we try to police the platform this way, then I also recommend the deletion of any asset that has no real value based on some backed commodity as people might be lead to believe they are investing in a real asset that they can exchange for something tangible in the future.
What happens if Spells of Genesis closes down and Bitcrystals become worthless? Are we going to hard fork to remove Bitcrystals from the DEX or are we going to put a big warning message up that Bitcrystals are now worthless as the company behind it is bankrupt to save Joe from loosing 2000$?
Will you ban Jimmy because he created 100 Pepecards that Jack bought and figured out that he can’t actually redeem them for a real card? I think there is only so much that you can do to prevent fraud but to right out ban certain asset groups is very short-sighted for the long-term growth of Counterparty as a free and open-source decentralized platform where I can pretty much do whatever I would like to do and if it so happens that I own the LTC token and if you want to include it in your project, then you are free to pay me for my fast fingers or abandon the idea and not take the right as a core developer to cherry-pick your assets to include in your own project-ideas for XCP.
This might seem harsh, but so does the threat of staight out abandoning a project because of something not fitting in your line of thought without even a page of discussion having happened. I don’t wanna know how many people got scared to even write something simply because you threatened to leave XCP if this goes through. I know there are probably a lot of emotions involved, but we all want to move forward together in as much of a neutral and progressive way as possible, right? I really love your viewpoints on most topics and think they are very reasonable and good to understand (including this one), but let’s not get ahead of ourselves and strongarm our position to guide the discussion a certain way, how does that sound? 
If there are real threats here, then we should give everyone ample breathing space to discuss these issues and lay it out properly, there are positives and negatives to both viewpoints, but ganging up in a certain way has never resolved anything. How about showcasing ACTUAL scams that have happened due to the creation of fake asset tokens (resembling actual existing cryptocurrency tickers) in the past and then make an analysis of how likely it is that people will get scammed this way in the future.
I remember vividly the first 5 or 6 times new ASIC miners were promised from companies and Millions were lost due to these scams. More millions were lost due to the cloud mining scam era and nowadays nobody falls for it anymore. This is the price of being at the bleeding edge of a financial revolution unfortunately.
When people realize that tokens are nothing more than promises and IOUs just like fiat, then you have to learn about the risks you take by investing in these. If you’re not happy with such, stay clear of each and every token and just invest in cryptocurrency that secures your investment by math and magic and not a promise by an entity that created the token out of thin air.
My 2 cts