First and Last Name
Trevor Altpeter

I am a long time XCP investor and one of the largest Counterparty asset creators. Counterparty developers have wisely allocated the majority of resources to development, instead of advertising, which leaves a marketing void to be filled by Counterparty Community Directors. Last year’s Directors did a great job creating XCP content but they have recently shifted their focus to personal projects. I have no personal products or services to promote, my sole agenda is the success of the Counterparty project and by extension the success of Bitcoin.
I think the importance of Counterparty is often understated. The autonomous financial system enabled by Counterparty is the most important cryptocurrency innovation since Bitcoin was created.
I am skeptical of the usefulness of private blockchains. To facilitate smart contracts and financial functions while reducing counterparty risk, value must be able to be escrowed directly by the protocol, leading to the conclusion that many of these new instruments must exist on a public blockchain. Bitcoin is the only public blockchain that currently meets the requirements of being reasonably secure and valuable. As of this time it appears unlikely that any competing blockchains will be able to match the security offered by Bitcoin.
The embedded consensus approach taken by XCP will prove to be an important innovation. Proof-of-Burn is a compelling distribution method and the larger Bitcoin community is generally unaware of the tremendous value offered by the Counterparty Decentralized Exchange. Community Directors should strive to inform Bitcoin users about these aspects of Counterparty.
If elected as Community Director I will:
- Create a written bi-weekly update of XCP related news
- Be professional while representing the Counterparty community
- Actively work to bring positive exposure to Counterparty
Bitcoin address with at least 50 XCP
Broadcast transaction hash